Business consulting for new
and existing karting tracks
We're in this business for a good few years now and we know it in and out. If you already run a track but you want to improve it or if you plan to open a track and have tons of questions - we'll be more then happy to help you.

What can we do for you?
I don't have a track
but I want to open one.
Karting is a great business but you have to do it right. You really should talk to someone who knows this business at the early stage of building your business plan. We will help you with the general aspects like building size, track layout, etc. and also with the details like layout of devices, design of pitlane, waiting rooms, and others.
I already have a track
but I want to improve it.
When you run your track for X years - you obviously know your business very well. However - it's sometimes useful to get an independent opinion or advise from a guy running a track in a different country. We're lucky to have Customers all over the world - that gives us a wide experience in what works and what doesn't. We're more then happy to share our experience with you.